Sowed Marigolds, Zinnias, Cornflower, & Primrose


4/25/2021 – Sowed Marigolds, Zinnias, Cornflower, & Primrose in the north half, westmost wide row, of the big garden. Immediately before, I disked the 6′ wide swath to break up the rain-packed soil, and because there were scattered weeds coming up. This swath was not plowed with the new moldboard plow to see if the zinnias and marigolds came back from last year. A few zinnias did but no marigolds.

Part of this area was what Mary and Piper sowed when they were here on Spring Break. That was sowed too shallow and likely too cool and on few came up.

Made a 1″ deep drill with the edge of the hoe and dribbled the seeds into it. Used the hoe to pull soil on top of them to have them covered about 1″. The Possies were only covered about 1/4 inch.

Used the back face of the hoe to lightly tamp the soil around the seeds. Mary lightly watered them to hopefully not create a crust.

The varieties sown from south to north were:

  • Zinnias – Park’s Pick Mix – 6 rows
  • Zinnias – State Fair – 3 rows
  • Cornflower – 1 row
  • Evening Primrose – 3 rows
  • Marigolds – Naughty Marietta – 3 rows
  • Marigolds – Spanish Brocade – 4 rows
  • “Tall yellow” marigolds. [do not know the proper name] – 4 rows
  • African Cracker Jack Marigolds- 4 rows