
Barn with disk now inside and tractors moved.
Barn with disk now inside and tractors moved.

Barn Dimensions:

  • center to center of poles – 16 feet and 23 feet
  • Width wall to wall inside – 24 feet
  • To bottom of beam: south end = 11 feet; north end = 12 feet
  • Overhang 12″
  • Beams – double 2x8s on the west side and single 2×8 on the east side.

Barn Door hardware:

Wind Bracing Links:

1/21/2019 – Ted helped with replacing the two rotten poles: the SE corner and the one immediately north of that one. We also installed two interior poles on the north side of the first (south) bay to support the future shops wall.

How to Install a Ground Fault Circuit Breaker