Propiconazole 14.3

Label here.

6/8/2019 – Purchased 1 gallon for daylily rust and rose black spot from

6/13/2019 – Applied 4 oz. in 2 gallons of water with a three-count squirt of Dawn Ultra to all daylilies and the small white rose outside the guest room. That concentration was far too high (see below for the correct regime) but it did not seem to hurt the lilies.

Daylily rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia hemerocallidis and affects the leaves and scapes. From the label’s page 9, Puccinia Rust is treated using Regime B inserted below.

Regime B – Mix 5-8 fl. oz. of Quali-Pro Propiconazole 14.3 in 100 gals. of water and apply as a full coverage spray to the point of drip. Apply as needed, beginning when conditions are favorable for disease development. For blackspot, apply with a registered contact fungicide labeled for black spot. For calendula [marigolds], apply every 30 days.

How much per gallon?

  • At 5 oz. per 100 gallons: 2 Tbsp x 5 = 10 Tbsp = 30 tsp. So, mix 1/3 tsp in one gallon of water.
  • At 8 oz. per 100 gallons: 2 Tbsp x 8 = 16 Tbsp = 48 tsp. So, mix 1/2 tsp in one gallon of water.

Roses – Black spot is a fungal disease (Diplocarpon rosae) that affects roses. The fungus develops as black spots on the leaves, which eventually causes the leaves to turn yellow and drop off. From the label’s page 9, Diplocarpon rosae is treated using Regime B inserted above; i.e. the same as daylilies.