Fed Crepes and more

5/9/2023 – Fed the below with 13-6-6 / 58% 90 Day PCU Premium; i.e. a balanced fertilizer with about half of the nitrogen as a 90-day slow release polymer coated urea. The label below is slightly different from past applications but only with the “90 Day PCU” info. PCU is “Polymer Coated Urea”.

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Sprayed Hydrangeas with Mancozeb

8/22/2021 – The hydrangeas, particularly in the backyard, have gotten large brown areas that are anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides per Clemson Cooperative Extension here. Sprayed them with Mancozeb made up a few days ago. Ran out of the mix of mancozeb before could spray the ones in the front yard. Mixed up Daconil that […]

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Fed the Hydrangeas

7/29/2021 –  Fed 8-8-8 to the Hydrangeas scattered around the drip line. This feeding is based on advice here from the MS Extension Service. The two larger mop head Hydrangeas (4-5 ft high) on the east side and south side of the backyard got a cup each. The smaller ones (3 ft high) in the […]

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