
6/15/2020 – Ordered the first gallon.

See TAMU photos of Emergent Plants in ponds.

From the Pond Boss Forum.
Re: Killing Lilly Pads
Bill Cody, Moderator
Northwest Ohio – Malinta OH
ShoreKlear works pretty good. If you go that method I highly suggest that you use ShoreKlear Plus which includes the surfactant (adjuvant). Regular ShoreKlear has no surfactant. With the SK Plus you will not need to buy an extra bottle of chemical as surfactant. Timing can often be an important factor in how well the SK Plus kills weeds. Often it is best to spray the emergent weeds when plants are mature, flowering, or in later summer. At these times the plant is sending a lot of leaf fluids to the roots and the systemic chemical moves well into the roots for an effective kill. A respray may be necessary for those plants that did not get an effective dosage due to plant density or conditions.
Last edited by Bill Cody; 05/13/14 07:29 PM.

All text below was extracted from Shoreklear-PlusShoreklear-Plus® Aquatic Herbicide is a non-selective herbicide which effectively controls many herbaceous and woody plants. A non-ionic surfactant is mixed in with this product.

  • Systemic herbicide for down-to-the-root kill
  • Ready-to-use, included surfactant
  • Just dilute and spray on plants above the water – This product will not control plants that are completely submerged have a majority of foliage under water.?
  • Fast acting on annual roots

Active ingredient: glyphosate with a blended surfactant


Make a general spray solution [in one gallon of water] of 3.5 fl.oz. to 9.00 fl.oz. solution. Use 3.3 gallons of product per surface acre in any single broadcast treatment over water.

Dilute and spray – For use in Aquatic and Other Noncrop Sites. Such as purple loosestrife, cattails, reed canary grass and phragmites.