Tomatoes -Ft. Myers, Florida


Once a plant is established in the garden, a phosphate-concentrated application (such as 0-46-0 commercial fertilizer) every 6-8 weeks increases tomato production. Bone meal, with an analysis of 4-12-0, is a good organic source of phosphorus. When a tomato plant sets fruit, start a systematic fertilization program and feed every three weeks until frost.

Plum Cultivars recommended by IFAS. From Table 2 for North Florida Varieties

‘BHN 685’
BHN Seed
Determinate plant. Vigorous bush. Large to extra-large, deep, blocky, globe-shaped fruit.
R to F-R (1, 2, 3), TSW, and V (1).
Strong plant in poor soils.

Sakata Seed America, Inc.
Early season
Determinate, medium compact plant. Produces smooth, extra-large fruit.
R to ASC, F-R (1, 2), N, and V (1), IR to S, and TYLCV.
Similar to Mariana with the addition of IR to TYLCV.

Sakata Seed America, Inc.
Early, mid and late season
Determinate compact plant. Classic saladette shape, predominately extra-large and highly uniform. Good color with excellent firmness.
R to ASC, F-R (1, 2), N and V (1). IR to S.
Exceptional fruit set; excellent uniformity and shelf life.

Early Medium
Uniform fruit size and a unique blocky shape. Large firm fruit with good interior quality and small blossom end scar.
R to BSK, F-R (1, 2), S, N, TSW, and V (1).
Improved disease resistance package.

Seminis Vegetable Seed, Inc.
Main season
Determinate plant. Medium to large vigorous plant that provides good fruit cover. Fruit are large, uniform, and blocky, maturing to a deep-red color with great firmness at the red stage.
R to ASC, F-R (1), S, TSW, and V (1).
Heat-set capability.

Seminis Vegetable Seed, Inc.
Main season
Determinate plant. Good fruit cover. Medium-large, elongated and cylindrical fruit.
R to F-R (1, 2), N, S, ToM, and V (1). IR to BSK.
Widely adapted and maintains fruit size through multiple harvests.

Sakata Seed America, Inc.
Determinate mid-compact plant. Uniform, predominately extra-large fruit.
R to BSK, F-R (1, 2, 3), N, and V (1). IR to TSW.
Suited for concentrated harvests for vine-ripe and mature-green markets.

Sakata Seed America, Inc.
Determinate mid-compact plant. Classic saladette shape, predominately extra-large, uniform, and very similar to ‘Mariana’. Wide adaptability. Suited for concentrated harvests for vine-ripe and mature-green markets.
R to ASC, F-R (1, 2), N, and V (1). IR to TSW.
Exceptional fruit set; excellent uniformity and shelf life.

Disease Key
IR—Intermediate Resistance
ASC—Alternaria stem canker—Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici
BS—Bacterial spot—Xanthomonas spp. (X. vesicatoria, X. euvesicatoria, X. Perforans, and X. gardneri)
BSK—Bacterial speck—Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato
CLS—Cladosporium leaf mold—Cladosporium fulvum
F-R 1, 2, 3—Fusarium wilt race 1, 2, 3—Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici races 1, 2, 3
FCR—Fusarium crown rot—Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici
N—Root knot nematode—Meloidogyne arenaria, M. Incognita, and M. javanica
S—Gray leaf spot—Sylium solani
TM—Tobacco mosaic
ToM—Tomato mosaic
TSW—Tomato spotted wilt
TYLC—Tomato yellow leaf curl
V (1)—Verticillium wilt—Verticillium albo-atrom and Verticillium dahliae race 1