Buried Water Supply from the Well
The red flags are the location of the new 3/4″ blue PEK pipe from the well to the house through the flower bed by the new patio. The pipe is less than 12″ below grade.

Electric Dog Fence

Electrical Service by Alabama Power
- At least 2′ deep per Faith Electric who installed the 4″ conduit.
- From the northeast corner of the house go south 12 ft.
- From the house slab go south along the west edge of the AC slab 21 ft 6 inches
Natural Gas Line – South Alabama Utilities
- From the wire mesh in the north-south wood fence between the yard and pecan orchard go to the 2nd post from the road and then west 18 ft to the gas line.
- From the wire mesh in the north-south wood fence between the yard and pecan orchard go the 6th post from the road and then west 25 ft, 6 inches to the gas line.
- From the southeast corner of the brick wall of the house go west 14 ft 6 in.
Telephone – by CenturyLink
- From the NE corner of the house
- go north 8 ft.
- go east 16 ft
- From the wire mesh in the north-south wood fence between the yard and pecan orchard go the 13th post from the road (also the line of the south brick wall of the house) then west 20 ft
- From the wire mesh at the 9th post go west 14 ft 6 in.
- From the wire mesh at the 2nd post go west 12 ft.
Note related to the buried telephone line:
- The cable was buried about 6″ deep in the area of the patio and likely is the same across the backyard.
- The quick curves in the telephone line just north of the house–crossing the backyard east to west–as shown by the orange locate flags.
- The jog just north of the pedestal at the road as it crosses the yard and then jogs SE to the pedestal at the edge of the tilled area for the flower bed.
See water supply photos at top of this page for the cable. The cable is directly under the blue PEK water supply line; i.e. about 9″ below grade and with nicks in insulation. Across the front lawn is likely very shallow; maybe only 6″ deep.
Telephone in the ROW
Septic Tank
Cleaned out 10/17/2018 by Billies Septic Tank Service. The line in from the house is on the west end and the baffle and line to the field lines is on the east side of the 1,000-gallon tank. Note the lid they opened is much newer than the rest of the tank.
Sanitary Sewer
Removal of the concrete walkway to the front door and excavating for the concrete unit paver walkway shattered a very shallow 4″ drain line running diagonally from the house, southeasterly to the septic tank. Replaced the bad pipe with new pvc pipe.
Electrical Cable to the Barn – A 3/4″ PVC pipe is next to the cables.
Waterline to and around the garden installed 9/14/2019