Daylily Inventory

This page is a list of the daylily varieties we have collected.

Unknown – Ruffled Yellow with Reddish/Orange Center Halo
  1. Crimson Pirate Daylily
  2. Ming Porcelain Daylily
    1. Evergreen. Tetrapoid rebloomer. Large 6″ blooms pastel ivory pink touched peach edged with lime green throat 36″ x 24″.
    2. Rust Resistance: Shows Resistance
    3. Rust Resistance Decimal Score: 1.3
  3. Miss Tinkerbell
  4. Savanah Debutant – Diploid
  5. Grape Ripples daylily. Bloom size is 5″. Diploid.
  6. Frans Hals Daylily. Diploid
  7. Stella de Oro
    1. Rust Resistance: Shows Resistance
    2. Rust Resistance Decimal Score: 1.8
  8. Jerome Daylily – Scape height 22 in, (56 cm)bloom size 6.75 in, (17 cm); bloom season Early-Midseason; ploidy Diploid; foliage type Evergreen; bloom habit Extended.
  9. Savanah Debutant 
  10. Siloam June Bug
  11. Hyperion – Reblooming, sunny-yellow blooms
  12. Lady Scarlet – 6″ bloom, 22″ tall, Early Season + rebloom, evergreen.
  13. Little Grapette – Early Season, Semi-Evergreen.
  14. Miss Mary Mary
  15. Prester John
  16. Lullaby Baby -Purchased 7/6/2022 from Oakes Daylilies
Unknown ruffled yellow with red blush