Pond Yard Plant’s pH Chk & Actions


9/1/2021 – Based on advice in various articles, we checked the pH at the magnolias, blueberries, and the daylily bed as they were all underwater for almost 24 hours two days ago during the 13″ rains from Hurricane Ida. The readings were taken using the KEL pH meter.

The magnolias and blueberries were fed since the flood but the daylilies still need some.

Recommended pH Levels

  1. Magnolias – The ideal soil for magnolias is pH 5.5 to 6.5 per Clemson.edu.
  2. Blueberries – Throughout the internet, the required pH for blueberries is said to be 4.5 to 5. Our old original Blueberry Bush Row produces a lot of berries and per the readings below and previously, and they do so with the pH range being 6.0 to 6.6. Some of the bushes could do better but it would be hard to say they are poor producers.
  3. Daylilies – like the pH to be 6.0 to 6.5.

Readings and Actions to Take

  • Southmost Magnolia – Action take 9/3/21 – Spread a pint of pelletized lime over the north, northwest, and west side.
    • north 4.9
    • westside was 4.8
    • eastside was 5.6
    • NE 5.0
    • SE 5.2
    • south 6.0
  • North Magnolia south of the pond: Action taken 9/3/21 – Spread a pint of pelletized lime on the east side and northeast.
    • westside was 6.2
    • eastside was 4.8
    • NE 5.2
    • southside was 5.6
    • SE 6.4
    • North 6.4
  • Northmost Magnolia: Westside as 5.6 and eastside was 6.0 – No Actions Required.
  • Blueberry nearest the Daylily bed was 5.1 – No Actions Required.
  • Blueberry north of that one was 5.8 – No Actions Required.
  • Daylily Nursery Bed
    • North edge 6.6 and 18″ inside was 6.2 – No Action Required.
    • East edge 5.8 and inside the bed was 6.2 – No Action Required.
    • South edge 6.2 – No Action Required.
    • West Edge 6.0 – No Action Required.
  • Original Blueberry Bush Row just south of old oak – Actions taken – The Southmost bush has the lowest pH and is the best producer. Lowering the pH on the others could/should make them larger producers. Actions to Take: Spread cottonseed meal to 2X the canopy along the bushes north of the southmost bush. The cottonseed meal will adjust the pH and add back some nitrogen lost to the flood.
    • Southmost bush – No Action Required
      • east side 5.4
      • south 5.2
      • NW 4.9
      • NE 5.5
    • Bush just north of the southmost 6.0
    • Bush between that one and the one next to the northmost bush 6.0
    • Bush next to the northmost bush 6.2