5/25/2024 – Peppers have a little bacterial leaf spot. Sprayed with 3 tsp/gal of Liquid Copper Fungicide.
Had an hour before sprayed them with Epsom Salts at 1 tbsp/gal.
Followed advice here – https://www.producegrower.com/news/use-caution-with-copper-fungicides-and-spray-surfactants-in-vegetables-and-fruits/. See extract below.
Copper fungicides work to kill pathogen cells by denaturing enzymes and other critical proteins. However, copper can also kill plant cells if absorbed in sufficient quantities. Low solubility “fixed” copper fungicides, when sprayed on plant leaves will dry and then will release copper ions in small amounts every time the leaf is wetted. These released copper ions are what will kill pathogen cells and also have the ability to kill plant cells. To cause damage to plant cells, the copper ions must move from the plant surface and penetrate plant cells.