Sawed off Stump of Magnolia Frescati and Dead Crepe Myrtle


5/3/2023 – Magnolia Frescati; the 18-inch high trunks we left to see if they would sprout do not have any sprouts. Used the chain saw to cut them off close to the ground.

The SE most Aztec crepe along the road has only a little green on one limb but has suckers coming at the ground level. All the other trunks are dead above the 6-foot level. Cut them off in hopes they will sprout as they do for Crepe Murder. The next one west has the east half dead so also removed those limbs leaving a tall trunk.

Why the crepe died is a mystery. It suffered with carpenter ants but we killed them. As the stump still is alive the suspicion is the last cold snap in late March that got into the mid 20’s and that crepe is not shielded by the house from the north wind.