Disked Garden, Planted Tomatoes, and Pulled Okra


8/30 & 31/2011 – We have finally had two good drying days after 19+ inches of rain this August. Disked around that Okra row in the north half and the Red Burgundy row in the south half on the 30th. The morning of the 31st there were about 4 okra pods from the Red Burgundy row and that led to the decision to pull it to be able to fully cross disk for the fall garden.

Cross disked the south half east-west then north-south. The south half looks ready to plant. The north half where the peas came back still has some pea vines showing. Plan to re-disk in 2 weeks then spread Elbon Cereal Rye for a cover crop. The row of Clemson Spinless Okra is still producing and the zinnias on the far west side are producing a few flowers for Mary. The three 4 ft rows of Basil just south of the zinnias are also growing well.