5/14/2023 – As the hill/row immediately east of the PEPH peas in the south half is still empty and we have a lot of zinnia, marigold, and sunflower seeds that are 2021-2023 that are not growing in the packets, they were scattered in the wide hill that was loosen with the stirrup hoe, then raked and rolled in; then lightly watered. The seeds sowed south to north are as listed below.
- Zinnia – Dahlia Flower Cherry Queen from Outside Pride – Dark Red*
- Marigold Sparky Mix from HOSS
- Benary Giant Scarlet Zinnia from HOSS
- Autumn Beauty Sunflower Mix from HOSS
- Dahlia Variable Dandy from Outside Pride
- Zinnia Elegant Dahlia Flowered Canary Bird from Outside Pride*
The hill was pulled up after spreading 13-13-13 for squash or cucumbers but what we have coming up well will be plenty.
*. As of 7/27/2023 – Performed well with many attractive blooms.