Seed List & Spacings for Spring 2019


The Big Garden

From Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

See italicised notes on how well they did in the Spring 2019 garden.

  • Pkts. Products
  • 1 ea. Nasturtium, Jewel Mixed Colors, 4 g, 20 seeds. Transplant or direct sow after last frost. Space 6-12 in. apart. Ht. 9-18 in. At 12″ oc we could plant a 20′ row.
  • 1 ea. Zinnia, State Fair Mixed Colors, 1 g is about 125 seeds, 4′ high x 18″ apart for 80% germination will plant 150′ single row or 75′ of a double row.
  • 2 ea. French Marigold, Spanish Brocade, 0.5 g. Per 165 seed pkg at 12 o.c. expecting 80% germination plants about 130 sf.
  • 1 ea. African Marigold, Crackerjack Mix, 0.5 g. Per 165 seed pkg at 12 o.c. expecting 80% germination plants about 130 sf.
  • 1 ea. De Cicco Broccoli, Heirloom, 2 g, average 600 seeds, sows 50′ direct seeded or 350′ as transplants. In the Fall 2019 garden they did not germinate well and did not grow.
  • 1 ea. Cherry Belle Radish, 7 g
  • 1 ea. Chantenay Red Core Carrots, Heirloom; Introduced from France late 1800s 3 g $2.50. From SESE Seed Pkt – 1/4″ deep x 2″-3″ oc. Planted in the fall garden and had poor germination.
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  • 1 ea. Carolina Wonder Sweet Bell Pepper, 0.3 g. About 36-60 seeds, depending on variety, Sows 21-60′ of transplants.
  • 1 ea. Cayenne, Long Red Hot Pepper, Heirloom, Pre-1827, 0.3 g about 36-60 seeds, depending on variety, sows 21-60′ of transplants.
  • 1 ea. Serrano Tampiqueño Hot Pepper, 0.3 g about 36-60 seeds, depending on variety, sows 21-60′ of transplants.
  • 1 ea. Cayenne, Carolina Hot Pepper, 0.3 g unless stated (about 36-60 seeds, depending on variety) sows 21-60′ of transplants.
  • ALL PEPPERS – From SESE Seed Pkt – 1/4″ deep x 18″-24″ oc
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  • 1 ea. Mortgage Lifter VFN Tomato, 0.16 g; 6-7 ft. tall plants bear until frost; about 40-83 seeds; sows 100 ft. Plant seeds 1/4″ deep and space plants 24″ apart. Did not grow well or produce.
  • 1 ea. Poinsett 76 Cucumber, 2g is approx. 60-80 seeds sows 20′. From SESE Seed Pkt – 1/2-3/4″ deep x 6″-12″ oc. Great producer with little disease issues.
  • 1 ea. Early Prolific Straightneck Summer Squash, Heirloom, 1938, AAS winner. 4 g, ~54 seeds to be spaced 18-30 in. apart in rows 4 ft. apart, or 6-8 seeds per hill, in hills 4 ft. apart. So, 24″ apart makes 80′ row at 80% germination. Plant 1/2″ – 1″ deep. Fair production but hurt by downy mildew.
  • 1 ea. Cocozelle Italian Summer Squash, Heirloom, Pre-1934, 3 g ~33 seeds. Sow seeds 1/2 to 1 in. deep spaced 18-30 in. apart in rows 4 ft. apart, or 6-8 seeds per hill, in hills 4 ft. apart. At 24″ oc and 80% germination there would be about 50′ row. Plant 1/2″ – 1″ deep. Likely squash vine borer killed them soon after they produced a few fruits.
  • 1 ea. King Richard Leek, 3 g Approximately 1100 seeds sows 40′ direct-seeded or 120′ as transplants. – Planted in the fall garden and they did not germinate.
  • 2 ea. Cajun Jewel Okra, Heirloom, Local favorite in Cajun country since the 1950s 4 g Approximately 64-86 seeds, depending on variety; sows 31′-52′ of row. From SESE Seed Pkt – 1/2-3/4″ deep x 12″-18″ oc . Good Producer in spring 2019.

From St. Elmo Seed and Feed

  • 1 lb. G90 Corn seed for $14.00. From SESE – “Succession plantings can then be made 2-3 weeks apart. Sow seed 1 in. deep in rows 36 in. apart and thin to 6-12 in. apart within rows. “
  • 1 lb. Pink Eye Purple Hull “Top Pick” seed for $4.00. From SES – “Sow seed 1″ deep, 1/2-1″ apart in double rows 4″ apart. Thin to 2″ apart.”
  • 1 lb. Kentucky Wonder Beans, Heirloom, for $3.50. From SES: “Sow seeds 1 in. deep. Along a trellis, sow seeds 4 in. apart, thinning to 8-12 in. apart.  “
  • 1/4 oz. package Buttercrunch Lettuce seed for $1.50. From Select Seed Division Lot 20B, Packed for 2018. [Did not notice they are last year’s seeds.]

Final Seed Order from SESE

Bloody Butcher Dent Corn, 42 g  170 seeds sows 50′ row. From SESE Seed Pkt – 1/2-3/4″ deep x 12″-18″ oc
Cherokee White Eagle Dent Corn, 42 g ~127 seeds sows 45′ row. From SESE Seed Pkt – 1/2-3/4″ deep x 12″-18″ oc
Big Red Ripper (Mandy) Southern Pea (Cowpea), 28 . 132 seeds. Plant 3x-4x seed diameter deep.
Jalapeño Hot Pepper, 0.3 g, ~50 seeds
Ancho Poblano Hot Pepper, 0.3 g, ~45 seeds
Beach Sunflower (Cucumber-Leaf) Sunflower, 1 g, ~190 seeds

Mary’s Large Garden

Onion Sets ordered from Dixondale Farms 12/14/2018

  • Two Short Day Samplers: Texas 1015Y, Texas Early White, and Red Creole $8.75
  • Short Day Sampler is a bundle of 50-75 plants
  • Space 4″ apart, So, 60 plants at 3/foot = 20 feet of row

Filaree Garlic Farm 12/21/2018

  • LORZ ITALIAN Bulk; Artichoke, soft neck, seed garlic; 1/2 lb. $13.50+$8 shipping
  • Space 4″ apart per SESE. See guide here. So, 30 cloves at 3/foot = 10 feet of row