Replanted PEPH, Kentucky Wonder Beans, Okra, & Butternuts in wide gaps


5/17/2024 – The PEPH, after sowing twice with the seeder still has large gaps and in one row half the row is empty. The Kentucky Wonder bean row had very few coming up so filled in those wide gaps. The eastmost row of Clemson Spillass Okra hardly came but the second row did well so reseeded the gaps with Cajun Jewell saved from last year. The manual steps taken were:

  1. used the 4-tine hoe to loose the hill and kill small weeds;
  2. used the hoe to open a V slot;
  3. dropped in the seeds fairly thickly in case they are the problem; then
  4. used the garden rake to pull the damp soil over the seeds.

Had four hills of Butternut squash that did not germinate so loosen the damp soil with the hoe and put two seeds about 6 inches part, covered and lightly tamped with the hoe.

Potential reasons why the peas and beans did not come up?

  • Seeder drop tube plugged because of backing up to clear a jam.
  • Too deep because the soil was so loose and the seeder sunk in deeply; even the second time for the PEPH.
  • The mornings were still too cool.
  • Bad seed.