Fertilized Magnolias and Fruit Trees
4/9/2024 – Fertilized the trees listed below with 13-13-13. Some of them should have been fertilized last month.
Continue ReadingA farmer works in acres not hours.
4/9/2024 – Fertilized the trees listed below with 13-13-13. Some of them should have been fertilized last month.
Continue Reading7/16/2023 – Pulled up the 2 southmost citrus trees near the west side of driveway and the pear tree at the NE corner of the Lady Daylily Bed. The Blood Orange had never borne fruit and was damaged by the deep freezes this past winter. The satsuma has two main trunks about 18 inches above […]
Continue ReadingThe pear tree we planted __ years ago has continued to grow tall and narrow. Today, we began training it based on advice at Clemson.edu that states; Pear trees naturally develop narrow angled, upright branches. To train properly angled scaffold branches, either weight the branches, tie branches to pegs in the ground or brace the […]
Continue Reading9/10/2021 This is a follow-up check and treatment of the first check/treatment on August 3. The Frescati is still struggling and has some small leaves, although more than in the spring, but still sparse. pH readings with the Kell meter about 8 feet from the outside of the multi-trunk were: North – 5.0 NE – […]
Continue Reading9/13/2021 – The Red Bud Tree sapling we brought from Houston, from Mary’s grandparent’s homestead in Magnolia Texas, has done very well in the raised bed in the northeast corner of the front yard. It had spent the first three years here in the herb bed at the westside patio where it struggled. But, it […]
Continue Reading8/31/2021 – This morning the two days of rains from Hurricane Ida ended after dumping 13 inches on the trees. To compensate for the nutrients that were washed away applied Jack’s Citrus FeED 20-10-20 with micronutrients by JR Peters. Mixed it per the instructions at 1 tbsp per gallon; i.e. 2 tbsp in the 2-gallon […]
Continue Reading7/12/2021 – Fed each of the three Magnolias a little more than 1 cup of 8-8-8. The granules were thrown along the outside edge of the root ball.
Continue Reading5/?/2021 – Mary found leaves with raised, round, brown spots on one of the magnolias in the pond yard. We are confident they are algal leaf spots and today we treated all three trees.
Continue Reading4/15/2021 – On a cloudy afternoon sprayed the satsumas, orange and lemon trees with Spinosad to hopefully prevent leaf miners for damaging the leaves.
Continue ReadingBy April 1: The old oak began flowering in mid-March and new leaves began showing up by April 1. The Nutall oak began leafing out a week ago. A few Crepe Myrtles are budding All the Citrus, peach, and pear trees have leaves Pecan Trees 17 & 18 have their first leaves. The blueberries have […]
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