2/3/2022 – Mary sowed 28 Betterboy tomato seeds that arrived today from Harris Seeds. Sowed in 3″ pots in the Greenhouse. The seeds had been treated with Thiram.
Germination requires them to be at 75-80° with a minimum of 45°. At this hour, another line of storms is blowing in and the temp is 80°. Expect it to drop 25° by tomorrow so will run the heater a lot. Pam Dawling says at 59° it will take 14 days to germinate. At 69° it will take only 8 days.
- During the first night the temp dropped to the mid-40s so turned on the heater and it raised it to 62°.
- 2/4/2022, 8:30 AM – Brought the trays inside and put on the table in the studio. The inside temp is 70-72°.
- 2/9/2022 – Several seeds have come up. That is in only 5 days. The Germination mat arrived in the afternoon and was placed under the trays with the thermostat set to 85°.
- 2/10/2022 – All but a few have come up and bent to the light from the studio window. Mary sowed another seed in those that did not have anything. By late morning the greenhouse was in the 80s from the sun and it is a clear day. Moved the trays to the north end where they will get even light. Brought them inside at about 5 pm and they were all standing up straight,