The North Fields and Woods

Farm Animals

CIMG7068.JPGI walked north from the house down the lane to the little pasture where the long horn cows were grazing. There had been 6-8 head of almost grown heifers at the garden and back in the pasture there was 23-30. There were two very young calves.

Ted Strange has cut the grass and the large briars in the small field are gone.

I continued walked along the fence to the west end of the draw and followed the draw around to woods line on the east end of the NE pasture. I walked down into the edge of the woods along the draw and noted the dry stream bed although there was one pool of dirty water. I did not notice any bank damage due to the cows hooves.



I walked on along the woods that curved to the north and the beaver pond. Our fence is down in the west edge of the pond. The ducks flew and a turtle dove in off a limb. A serene setting with the white lilies blooming and the clean mowed and shaded yard on the other side.



I turned west and walked along the north fence to the top of the hill and then south to the lane and home.


If I had the sprayer and machette with Remedy I could have killed many tallow trees. Need to read about the risk with livestock.