This was a short work session of only three days so we concentrated on getting the yard in good shape to begin the summer.
March 29, 2017, Wednesday – Cleaned up and began line trimming.
Thursday – Mary weeded front beds and I line trimmed ditch and around yard plants. Planted the ferns brought from TX. A cold front blew through about noon with hard short rain.
Drove in with Frank and met Peggy to close on the Tanner Williams’ 40 acres selling to Kenneth Brown and his son Robby. Had dinner at Wentzel’s on Airport Blvd.
Friday – Planted the three roses we bought at TSC between the crepes where the Spirias died along the new fence on the road. Bought a big bag of cotton-seed meal. More line trimming and spraying the ditch with the new pull along sprayer loaded with Erasure 41% glyphosphate at 3 oz. per gallon..
Saturday – Bought 1.5 CY of ground, pine bark mulch for $48.50. Spread mulch on the west and south beds; around the blueberry bushes along the west fence and other places. Mary put the cotton-seed meal on the day lilies, roses, and other plants in the south bed before we placed the mulch. Sprayed Erasure on ditch face; fence rows all around the house/orchard/barn, around the barn and around all trees in the orchard.
Sprayed little tallow trees in pond field and along the fence. Sprayed dollar weed in the front yard along the walkway and under the Magnolia Frescatie and near the crepes with 2,4-D in a pump-up sprayer. Also sprayed very lightly the purple wide-leaf flat-growing weed taking over in the SE quad of the old barn area next to the driveway under the pecan tree.