9/27/2020 – Mixed 2 gallons of Monterey Spinosad (from the new 1-gallon jug delivered last week) at 2 oz/gallon plus non-ionic surfactant. Sprayed the following.
- All plants in the garden that again have flea beetles.
- mustard
- butternut squash
- white scalloped squash
- beets
- broccoli
- radish
- did not spray the peppers or flowers
- All plants in Mary’s Garden for flea beetles
- beets
- broccoli
- tomatoes – did not see any flea beetles but something is eating some of the leaves
- swiss chard
- Brussel sprouts
- cilantro
- did not spray the peppers
- All five citrus trees for leaf miners, i.e. the four in the yard and the one at the garden. The harvest interval is one day.