11/08/2020 – As the weather is cooler and no days in the mid to high 80°, maybe we can get a crop of spinach. Sowed Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach seeds bought 11/5/2020 at St. Elmo F&S.
11/5/2020, 3 PM, three days before this post, put ¼ oz of seeds into our well water to soak overnight. About 4:30 AM on 11/6/2010, they were moved to the refrigerator to chill for a few hours. After Mary got up we decided to widen the daylily/camellia bed next to the 4-board fence along the pecan orchard. In mid-afternoon, after getting the sod removed and the new space till we were exhausted. It was clear the seeds would not be sowed that day. Poured the water off and returned them to the refrigerator damp and uncovered.
On 11/7/2020, we completed the wider bed and again were exhausted so they did not get sowed this date. They had dried out and so I rinsed them, drained them, and returned them to the refrigerator.
At mid-morning on 11/8/2020, today, they had dried out again but had tiny root sprouts. Rinsed them again letting them sit in the water maybe an hour. Poured the water off and added roughly 3X their volume of dry grits. The grits absorbed all the surface moisture. Sowed by hand in dual rows 10″-12″ apart in the north 18 feet of Row 10 (in the north half). Sowed them 1/2″ deep in a notch made with the rake handle. Pulled soil over them and watered them in. Did not firm the soil around and over them.
The latest great germination experiment begins.