Sowed Cover Crop of Mustard and Rye


11/14/2020 – Sowed more Elbon Rye by hand on the west end of the north half after mowing then disking the zinnia bed. Raked it in so it is not as deep as recommended.

Disked the about 10′ wide west edge of the south half (the beach sunflower area) and sowed 1.5 lbs of Florida Broad Leaf Mustard with the cyclone seeder. Disked it in lightly with the drag to hopefully get it ¼” to ½” deep. Raked around the edges to level out the disk’s ruts.

The FBL Mustard when grown, mowed, and disked in is suppose to kill the root-knot nematodes due to a natural biofumigation that happens as the green decomposes.

Notes about all this is on the page at this site here.

11/20/2020 – The tiny two leaf mustard seedlings have appeared.

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