Soil Samples Sent to Auburn

Gardening Yard

7/23/2019 – Prepared and mailed in three soil samples to the Soil Lab at Auburn University.

  1. “Big Garden, north end” – Collected about 6 samples with a hand trowel in the dirt that had been bush hogged then disked several times to begin incorporating the pea vines and bean bushes. Blended the bucket of dirt and put a little more than two cups in a 1-quart zip lock bag. The area is between; the cucumbers; the north turn row; the east grass strip and the Indian/colored corn.
  2. “Big Garden, south end” – Collected about 8 samples with a hand trowel in the dirt that had been bush hogged then disked several times to begin incorporating the corn stalks, squash, and cucumber vines. Blended the bucket of dirt and put a little more than two cups in a 1-quart zip lock bag. The area is between; the pecan trees; east grass strip; south turn row; and around the Indian/colored corn. A sample was taken between the Nemagreen Lima Beans that now have some maturing beans.
  3. “Citrus Grove about 100′ x 150′” – Collected about 6 samples with a hand trowel in the dirt that had been a wildflower patch but is now mowed level. Two of the samples was from the grassy area just west of the three small trees along the driveway. That dirt was the most reddish/clay-like. Blended the bucket of dirt and put a little more than two cups in a 1-quart zip lock bag.

7/29/2019 – Collected and blended four samples from Mary’s yard garden and sent them to the Soil Lab.