The original planting of cantaloupes (about row 14) have many blooms and a few 1-2″ fruits. We had not side-dressed them so did so today with 15-0-15 plus iron. Scratched the dirt 8-12′ either side–after pulling back the vines in most cases–and dropped in a small handful of the fertilizer. Covered it up and watered it in lightly.
The adjacent row where we had transplanted the ones we thinned out are beginning to vine and bloom. Also, side-dressed them so it will be interesting to note if there is any difference in how the two rows differ.
Mary again picked a large basket full of cucumbers. She got about 3 handfuls of PEPH peas and 6 yellow squash. I found 8 okra with one 8″ long one we had missed before.