Peggy and Frank had picked up the water pump with houses and belt for the MF210 from Southern Tractor.
After we unloaded the car I began working on the little tractor to install the pump. It was very hot as the setting sun was blasting into the shed. But that meant the light was good–just the sweat on my glasses was frustrating. Reminded me that Dad had to deal with that his whole life. I remember him with the sweat rag whipping his head and face all day.
Quit and began again in the morning when it would not be so hot. But, then it was still and humid–but better than in the sun. Wished it was parked under a tree where there was a breeze.
After an hour or so the water pump was in place, radiator and cowling reinstalled and filled with water. It cranked and all turned nicely so I cut grass to heat it up. Found a slow leak as I did not have gasket for hose-connection housing over the pump. The From-a-Gasket did not form a gasket. Went to parts house and bought gasket material. By the time I returned it cooled off. So, took the cowling off and the air filter; cut a crude gasket; put it back together and cut grass. No leaks…hurrah.
Once again I am glad I did not choose “auto mechanic” as a career path.