10/15/2020 – Planted an 18-foot double-row of red onion bulbs from St. Elmo F&S in Row 8 between the Warrior Bunching Onions—that are 1″-2″ high needle-thin shoots—and the Tendergreen Spinach/Mustard.
The row had been hilled last week so used the hoe to loosen it about 3″ deep. Raked it flat then used the hoe to cut two grooves about 2″ deep. Pushed the bulbs into the soil then used the rake to pull soil over them so they are at least 2″ down to the root part of the bulbs. Used the back of the hoe to firm the soil over them.
Sowed 12-foot double row of 2019 Daikon Radish seeds in the south end of the same row, south of the bunching onions. Sowed them 2″-3″ apart and ½” deep in a groove made with the hoe handle. Pulled soil over them with the rake then firmed the soil with the back of the hoe.
Air temp today is to be low to middle 80°s but a cold front is to come through tonight and tomorrow be in the low to mid 70°s.
10/20/2020 – A few are starting to poke through.