Planted Lettuce, Radish, Leeks, Carrots, and Spinach.


11/02/2019 – Planted in the north half:

  • April Cross Radish – Row 11, north 10 ft. of the south half
  • Emperor Spinach – Row 11, north end of the north half
  • Buttercrunch Lettuce – Row 12, north end of the south half
  • Rainbow Carrots – Row 12, south end of the south half
  • King Richard Leeks – Row 13, south half

Later in the day, I sprinkled Miracle Grow potting soil on the carrots to lightly cover the seeds with something that will not crust over. But, the MG was very wet.

We used the PVC+funnel drop tube by dragging it lightly to create a very shallow grove as Mary dropped seeds into the funnel. In all cases but the carrots, we then used the garden rake to drag soil into the groove then pat it down with the tines of the rake.