11/20/2019 – As the freeze killed the periwinkle and the hibiscus’ leaves and blooms, we needed something growing in the bed along the Utility Room wall. We bought and planted four 4″ pots of cabbage at Blairs and three 6-packs of Bonnie Plants at Lowe’s. The Bonnie 6-paks were:
- Buttercrunch Bibb Lettuce
- Red Leaf Lettuce, Red Sails, AAS winner
- Swiss Chard, Bright Lights, AAS Winner
On a whim, we bought a Bonnie 4″ pot of Fernleaf Dill. Then found out they freeze easily so divided it into 3 seedlings. Planted them in 3 of the 4″ pots that held the purple center cabbages to plant in the spring.