5/13/2020 – The four hibiscuses planted along the wall with the electrical meter and panels in the backyard froze last winter and show little signs of coming back. They were:
- Two Painted Ladies hibiscuses
- Two President Red hibiscuses
We bought three hydrangeas at Blair’s to replace the hibiscus. They are:
- Twist-N-Shout big-leaf hydrangea grown by Endless Summer Hydrangeas.
- 3-5′ H x 3-4′ W
- ok to -30 degrees
- Full Sun to part shade
- Big Daddy Hydrangea from the Southern Living Collection
- 5-6′ H x 5-6′ W
- Shade to part shade
- ok to -10 degrees
- Dear Dolores from the Southern Living Collection
- 5′ H x 5′ W
- Shade to part shade
- ok to -20 degrees