The Angel Wing Begonia we had for years froze in the winter of 2020-2021. Mary ordered a replacement and in doing so learned there are different varieties of Begonias called Angel Wings. And, so begins her collection. This page includes all of her begonias.
The first one ordered 5/17/2021 was from Bearfoot Farms, LLC, Hubbard, Oregon, and was an Angel Wing Begonia “Medora”. The photo below was taken on 6/14/2021. The plant has more than doubled in size in its first month under Mary’s care and has been potted up. “The Medora is significant as it has pink dots on the leaves.“
The second order arrived 6/14/2021 from The Other Side Nursery in Oregon and included:
- Angel Wing “Cracked Ice”
- Angel Wing “My Special Angel”
- The plant in the center of the photo is an Aligator Fern that was also part of the order.

Rex Begonia, Jurassic Jr., “Fire Spike” bought from Blairs, June 2021
Gryphon Begonia, Mounding Annual from Lowes, June 2021
Venetian Red Begonia – Ordered from The Violet Barn, 6/21/2021