This page is a record of what is growing in the flower beds and green spaces in the yard. Other potted plants are listed at the following links.
In front of the Office/Guest Room
- Two Popcorn Drift white roses by Star Roses & Plants and a Limelight Hydrangea planted June 2017
- Two “Pardon Me” reblooming daylilies at the point next to the walk on the east side of the front door) – Planted Memorial Day, 2017. Foliage type DORMANT.
- ‘Miss Tinkerbell’ reblooming daylily. Foliage type DORMANT.
- Red Knockout Roses, 5 ea
- White Knockout rose, “Radwhite” planted 4/24/2023. Should get 3.5 ft high and wide.
- Summer Essential Spring Mix glads from American Meadows next to the brick wall. 5/16/2019
- Gladiolas
- Original glads at the farm
- Bicolor Blooms, 24″-36″ high – From Michigan Bulb planted 7/2/2019
- Deepest Purple Flowers, Gladiolus Waris, 24″-36″ high – From Michigan Bulb planted 7/2/2019
In front of the Living Room-Studio
- Grape Ripple daylily. Bloom size is 5″.
- Knockout Roses – 4 each
- White Knockout rose, “Radwhite” planted 4/24/2023. Should get 3.5 ft high and wide.
- Two Stella de Oro at the back door -Memorial Day 2017
- Jerome Daylily – scape height 22 in, (56 cm)bloom size 6.75 in, (17 cm); bloom season Early-Midseason; ploidy Diploid; foliage type Evergreen; bloom habit Extended.
- Lady Scarlet – 6″ bloom, 22″ tall, Early Season + rebloom, evergreen. One of the best reblooming reds! Relocated from the former Martin House Bed to the Garden to here on 4/24/2023.
- 5/16/2019 – Summer Essential Spring Mix glads from American Meadows
- Gladiolas
- Original glads at the farm and some bought from American Meadows
- Bicolor Blooms, 24″-36″ high – From Michigan Bulb planted 7/2/2019
- Deepest Purple Flowers, Gladiolus Waris, 24″-36″ high – From Michigan Bulb planted 7/2/2019
Outside the Kitchen window
- Stella D’Oro Daylilies. Foliage type DORMANT.
- Knock Out Roses – 2 ea
- Red Drift Rose planted 4/1/2023
- Amaryllis
- Spider Lilies
- Ming Porcelain Daylily – Evergreen. Tetrapoid rebloomer. Large 6″ blooms pastel ivory pink touched peach edged with lime green throat 36″ x 24″.
- Peacock Orchid – Acidanthera Callianthus. 25 bulbs were planted on 5/18/2019 next to the kitchen door.
- ‘Hallmark’ is commonly called Orange Stalked Bulbine, Bulbine frutescens. Nearest the door.
- Lucky Star Pentas Near door.
- Black Eyed Stella – At gutter downspout.
- Back Draft Daylilies – planted 8/15/2021. Two just west of the Magnolia Frescati and one east of the Frescati near the house. Both in the newly expanded beds. Foliage type DORMANT.
East side of the driveway and along the front walkway
- Four semi-dwarf “Ever Sapphire” Agapanthus. An African lily.
- One White, two Peach, and a pink Drift Rose.
- Back Draft Daylily and others. Foliage type DORMANT.
- Original Orange Daylily – Relocated from the Martin House Bed, 8/1?/2021 when a large clump was divided and planted.
- Grandiflora Rose “Gold Medal” planted 3/30/2023 next to the bird feeder
The Citrus Grove – West side of the driveway between the pecans and into the Pond Yard.
- Citrus and Fruit Trees
- Meyer Lemons – northmost tree along the driveway and at the former fence location.
- Omari Satsuma – center along the driveway*
- Blood-red orange – Southmost*
- * NOTE – On 12/10/2019 Mary picked fruit from the tree near the fence–at that time–between the yard and the former pond’s field. It was a very good lemon. This inventory was then amended to change that tree from a Blood orange to a Meyer lemon. [The freezes of 2020-21 killed it.] Other places on this site now need to be amended. So, what are the other trees??????
- Florida King Peaches – Center of the space lined up north and south
- Mystery peach – Was supposed to be a Florida King but everything is different.
- Pineapple Pear – Between the two large pecan trees
Daylily Bed with Lady Statue
- Crimson Pirate Daylily Foliage type DORMANT.
- Ming Porcelain Daylily – Evergreen. Tetraploid rebloomer. Large 6″ blooms pastel ivory pink touched peach edged with lime green throat 36″ x 24″.
- Miss Tinkerbell
- Savanah Debutant. Foliage type ???
- Grape Ripples daylily. Bloom size is 5-inch. Diploid.
- Frans Hals Daylily
- Moses Fire – Along the north outer circle.
- Black Eyed Stella – 3¼ inch bloom, 14-20 inch tall, Extra-Early Season + rebloom, Semi-evergreen.
- Red Volunteer – 7-inch bloom, 30-inches tall, Mid Season, SEV. In the 2nd circle from the statue in the SE quadrant. Very dramatic May 2024.
- Lullaby Baby, 3 each on the south and east sides. Planted 7/28/2022
- Buttered Popcorn – Planted summer 2022. 6-inch bloom, 32 inches tall, Mid-Late Season + rebloom, Dormant. One of the best reblooming large flowers Oakes grew.
- Nature Boy – Planted Summer 2022. 4½ inch bloom, 26 inches tall, Early Season + rebloom, Dormant.
In the Crepe Myrtle Bed along the 4-board fence at the road
Christmas 2014 – Planted eight Natchez crepe myrtles along the new 4-board wood fence.
9/24/2018 – Planted one clump of Savannah Debutant and Siloam June Bug (Foliage type DORMANT.) both rebloomers from Oakes Daylilies. The SJB was the bonus plant. Both were planted between Crepes 6 & 7 (counting from the east) with the Savanaha Debutant on the west side of the Bridal Wreath and the SBJ on the east side. See Post here.
10/21/2018 – Planted four “Imperial Blue” Plumbagos (
4/3/2019 – Planted the following four daylily “fans” bought from American Meadows.
- ‘Crimson Pirate’ Daylily Foliage type DORMANT.
- ‘Frans Hals’ Daylily – In July 2022 we took multiple proliferations.
- Original Orange Daylily – Located in the back of the SE corner bed with the power pole. Likely destroyed when the pole was struck by lightning and repaired.
- ‘Strawberry Candy’ Reblooming Daylily – Likely destroyed when the pole was struck by lightning and repaired.
4/8/2019 – SE corner of the yard at the power pole.
4/27/2019 – Moved Golden Dewdrop daylily from against the house to east of Crepe 7. As it was against the house it was one of the early lilies we planted when getting started. It is a rebloomer with the flower size 3″ to 4.5″ in diameter (small).
Beds on the yard side of the angled wood fence at the gate
- An Autumn Sunburst Encore Azalea on each side
- A Bridal Wreath on each side
- Indigo on both sides
- Hostas on the west side
Along the Front Yard’s east edge at the 4-board fence next to the pecan orchard
- Shishi Gashira Camellias, 2 ea. planted 1/7/2018
- Bella Rouge Camellias – 2 ea. planted 1/7/2018
- Bridal Wreath at the power pole nearest the road
- Three daylilies moved here on 4/3/2018 – Golden Dew Drop
- Ten daylily clumps moved here on 11/7/2020. The tagged ones were three Miss Mary Marys and one Red Scarlet.
- Red grandifloria rose
Former Yard Veggie garden now a Daylily Nursery
Bitsey Daylily – Moved here July 2022 after Libby dug it up twice outside the kitchen window bed.
In Pecan Orchard along the 4-board fence east of the double gate
- “Semmes Beauty” Oakleaf Hydrangea
Bed under the Office double window on the east end of the house.
- Yellow daylily
- The two encore azaleas from the SE corner of the front yard. One of the original plants died and on 5/6/2020, we moved here an azalea that was struggling in the angled bed on the east side of the gate at the driveway.
- Autumn Lily (white) Rhododendron ‘Roblex’ PP25073
- Autumn Fire (red) Rhododendron ‘Roblez’ PP2827
Red Bud Tree bed – Previously called the Bay Tree bed.
- Red Bud tree dug up from the one in the backyard in Houston that came from a small one dug up from Grandpa Yelverton’s home in Magnolia Texas.
- Roses:
- One white hybrid tea (relocated from the crepe bed along the road Oct 2018)
- two Julia Child’s floribundas, April 2019.
Bed in SW corner, Front Yard next to Citrus Trees
- The bed was started in 2018 and completed and planted with daylilies on 11/5/2019
- The original planting was a Red Rose and a Camellia.
- Relocated many daylilies from the too shady Crepe Myrtle bed.
The bed along the north side of the house under windows at AC
- Wood Fern on the east side of the back door stoop. Moved here in August 2021.
- Three azaleas from the original planting by Ray and Dorothy Davis.
- Camillia from the original planting by Ray and Dorothy Davis.
- Mop Head (Big Leaf) Hydrangea was a child of the one at the Kitchen door before the Kitchen Patio.
- Azalea called “Conversation Piece”, a Rotan Hill Hybrid in front (north) of the AC Compressor. Oct 2018
- Encore Autumn Fire Azalea (dwarf) on the east side of the AC. April 2019.
- Six Commander in Chief, Asiatic lilies, scarlet-red blooms from Michigan Bulb 7/2/2019.
- Frost resistant Gardenias, two planted at the east end of the bed on 5/11/2020.
Bed between Utility Room wall and Back Patio – Created Fall 2018
- One “Frost Proof” Gardenia on the north end in front of the water-
well house. The two north of there did not grow or bloom for 2 years and were removed. Replaced them with white azaleas spring 2024. - Twist-N-Shout big-leaf hydrangea grown by Endless Summer Hydrangeas. Northmost of the three.
- Big Daddy Hydrangea from the Southern Living Collection. Center
- Dear Dolores from the Southern Living Collection. Southmost, nearest the door.
Bed along the south wall of the Grain Bin- Created Spring 2019
- Natchez Crepe Myrtle and a traditional crepe from somewhere.
- Fatsia Japonica in front of the firewood shed (from Ted)
Bed on the north side of the backyard along the azaleas
- Daylilies relocated from Bay Tree Bed
- ‘Frans Hals’ Daylily reblooming again in fall. Boasting big, bi-colored flowers that alternate rusty crimson inner petals and yellow throats, with sunny yellow outer petals. Mature Plant Size 20-24″ tall, 18-24″ wide. Bloom Time Mid to late summer.
- ‘Hyperion’ reblooming daylily’s sunny-yellow blooms are prolific and sweetly fragrant. The large, 5″ flowers last into the evening hours. Is a strong, easy-to-grow variety that has been in cultivation for over 80 years. Very cold hardy, and attractive to butterflies. Mature Plant Size 36-40″ tall, 18-24″ wide. Bloom Time Early to mid-summer. NOTE – Some or all of these were moved to the backyard beds on 4/6/2019.
- Miss Tinkerbell
Wood Ferns – planted 4/6/2019
Original Sundown Farms’ five lilies identified by the PlantSnap app as Pyjama Lily; Crinum Macowanii. From Wikipedia; “a deciduous bulbous plant species native to Africa. Along with other members of the Amaryllidaceae family, it has been used in traditional medicine throughout southern Africa.”
Beds between the pecan trees on the east side of the backyard
- Mop head hydrangea from the original one that was at the kitchen door.
- Indigo
Pond Yard
Daylily Bed at the Gate to the Pond Yard
- Siloam June Bug rebloomer from Oakes Daylilies. See Post here.
- “Pardon Me” reblooming daylily – Center front.
SW Corner Bed
- Original little pink Climbing Roses
- Annual Beach Sunflowers
NE Area
- Four original blueberries relocated here from the two Ray & Dorothy planted in the 1960s.
Relocated when the Daylily Bed at Martin House was abandoned
- 6/6/2020 – Miss Mary Mary and Prestor John daylily fans; 2 each.
- Pardon Me
- Proliferation from the Ming Porcelain on the west side of the front porch.
Potted Plants not including Orchids, Begonias, and African Violets. See links above.
- Queen of the Night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) which is a nocturnal bloomer with very fragrant white flowers. Posted by plantladylin. Night-blooming Cereus – What we and others commonly call it. Apparently, the common name among collectors is an “Epi” that is short for Epiphyllum.
Forgot Location – Likely in the Lady Bed 2022
HAPPY RETURNS – 3 1/8 inch bloom, 18 inches tall, Extra-Early Season + rebloom, Dormant
FIRST LADY BARBARA – 6½-inch bloom, 23 inches tall, Mid Season + rebloom, Dormant
Sherry Lane Carr
Received it as a Bonus Plant from Oakes. Libby brought the tag 7/30/22 to the patio so we do not know where it is. Tag reads; “Cream butter yellow self with gold edge above green throat. Fragrant, 23 inch tall. Mid-season +rebloom, Evergreen“.
- Scape height: 23 inches
- Bloom size: 6.5 inches
- Bloom time: Early midseason
- Plant Traits: Extended Bloom, Rebloom
- Rust Resistance: Shows Resistance