5/13/2019 – Mary and I worked in the garden from 7:30 to 10:00 am and accomplished the following:
- We thinned the 2nd and 3rd planting of peas.
- I pulled the corn from the row of peas and transplanted some of it in the second row of corn alongside some I transplanted a few days ago.
- Mary weeded all the peas and touched up the corn.
- Sprayed all the peas with Sevin, the 3 rows of lima beans and the okra. The oldest peas — Kentucky Wonder Bush (KWB) and Pink Eye Purple Hull (PEPH) had been sprayed and the damaged areas were small. The 3rd set of PEPH peas had too much damage to the new growth but not much to the older larger leaves.
- Planted the rest of the 1/2 lb. of Nemagreen Baby Limas in the three rows between the first 3 rows of NBLs and the row of Sunflowers. The seed only planted 2-1/2 rows.
The squash has more blooms and small fruit forming.
The older KWB peas are blooming.