Bought four 3-gallon camellias today at Blair’s during her 50% off sale and planted them along the new wood fence at the pecan orchard.

Shishi Gashira Camellia
Two are Shishi Gashira Camellias with “hot pink, semi-double blooms”. They are to grow to 4′-5′ high and 6′-8′ wide. Blair said they are the most frequently

Bella Rouge Camellia
Two are Bella Rouge Camellias from the Southern Living Plant Collection with “red, semi-double blooms”. They are to grow to 4′-5′ high and 4′-5′ wide. Counting from the road they are in positions 2 and 4 (at the power pole with the transformer). [As of 11/5/2019 the one at the pole is not well so it was moved to the SW corner bed.]
All four were grown by Flowerwood Nursery, Inc.
Also bought a “Semmes Beauty” Oakleaf Hydrangea that is to get 8′-10′ high by 8′-10′ wide. Planted it just east of the double 14-foot gates to the pecan orchard.