3/7/2021 – Using the first planning for this application of fertilizer and ant killer here, we:
- mixed 8 ounces by weight of Extinguish (that filled a Ball quart wide mouth jar almost up to the top of the “B” in Ball) into one 50 lb. bag of 15-0-15+3% iron from AGFA in the wheelbarrow with a shovel.
- mixed 2 more bags and put them into the JD pull behind spreader as they were mixed.
- set the spreader to 2 and went across the Kitchen yard, across the front of the house, and around the front yard. Made about 2 laps when realized it was not spreading as the gearbox was clicking and must be stripped. The lime spread on the pond the other day must have worn it out.
- Shoveled the mixture into the little green push spreader and spread:
- the remainder of the front yard;
- the back yard over to the orchard fence and north to the orchard gate
- the area between the driveway and the lady daylily bed north to the old oak.
- Went around the lady bed with the spreader tilted so it threw the mixture up to the statue.
- Around the old oak and deck one pass and the area under the big swing over to the driveway.