Cotton-Seed Meal on Blueberries, Azaleas, Gardenias, and Camellias


1-16-2021 – Spread cotton seed meal at the following locations and rates:

  • Blueberries Bushes in the row between the yard and pond field:
    • 1 gallon on the large older ones
    • 2 quarts on the smaller ones
  • Camellias:
    • one quart on the smaller ones
    • 3-4 quarts on the larger ones.
  • Azaleas:
    • 1-2 quarts around the smaller ones
    • 4 quarts around the one at the south end of the blueberry row
  • Gardenias
    • 2 quarts around the small ones at the NE corner of the house and
    • 3-4 quarts in the bed around the three plants, on the west side of the backyard, that hide the pump.
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