Driskells Harvested Peanuts

11/3-6/2019 – Driskel Cotton Farm picked the windrowed peanuts with four combines, a special trailer, and lots of dust. This post is to show our Grandkids the process of gathering peanuts. First – Dig up the peanut plants so the peanuts dry out. Next – Use combines to remove the peanut from the plants. Next […]

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Digging Peanuts

10/15/2019 – Today Driskel Cotton Farms began digging the peanuts planted this year. The digging attachment needs a big tractor that moves slowly. It moves slowly so the peanuts are not knock off the vine as they are being dug up. They are dug up so the sun can dry them. They need to dry […]

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Driskell’s Planted Peanuts

5/22/2019 – Driskell Cotton Farms finished planting peanuts in the field north of the house. There was a longer time than in the past between the cows leaving and this planting. They had a lot more grass than needed for the cows and so baled it–over 100 round bails. Then the field was subsoiled with […]

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