Built New Bed along Azaleas in the Backyard


10/22/2018 – We built a new flower bed along the azaleas in the new backyard. Moved the amaryllis’ in from the bed along the driveway that has become too crowded. Also, separated the two clumps of daylilies at the Bay Leaf Tree bed, replanting the larger clumps and planted the smaller clumps at the ends of the new bed. Also, removed two of the daylilies–from American Meadows–that were planted yesterday at the Bay Leaf Tree bed as they were too close. One each is at the ends of this new bed.

Spread American Meadows’ Fall Maximum Mix Wildflower Seed in the two spaces between the daylilies and amaryllis. Mary patted them down and watered them.

Copied from yesterday’s post is the following that shows the lilies we should have one in one end and one in the other.

  1. ‘Frans Hals’ Daylily reblooming again in fall. Boasting big, bi-colored flowers that alternate rusty crimson inner petals and yellow throats, with sunny yellow outer petals.
  2. ‘Hyperion’ Reblooming Daylily’s sunny-yellow blooms are prolific and sweetly fragrant. The large, 5″ flowers last into the evening hours strong, easy-to-grow variety that has been in cultivation for over 80 years. Very cold hardy and attractive to butterflies