8/31/2021 – The soil is very damp from the rains dropped by Hurricane Ida so used the KEL pH meter to take the readings below. Based on those readings and the advice from Clemson for Azaleas target pH of 4.5-6 and American Camillia Asso. target is 6.0-6.5 added the supplements cited.
Azalea pH Readings – Target per Clemson is 4.5 to 6.0 pH
- Backyard at AC – East plant 5.8 and West 5.6. No Adjustment Needed.
- Old Azaleas
- east row – east end 6.8; at small oak 6.2; west end. Spread a pint of cotton seed meal to each plant
- west row – east end 4.6 & 5.3; at small oak 6.0; west end 6.4. No Adjustment Needed.
- Single plant west of driveway
- east side 6.0 – Spread a pint of cotton seed meal
- west side 5.8 – Spread a pint of cotton seed meal
- Two plants in east side yard under the windows – 4.4 – Spread a cup of pelletized lime
- Pond Yard
Camellias – soil pH of 6.0 – 6.5 is considered best per AmericanCamellias.com
- Backyard at AC – west side 5.8 & east side 5.4. Spread a 1 pint pelletized lime all around.
- East end front yard
- North – 6.7 – Spread a pint of cotton seed meal
- Center – 6.8 – Spread a pint of cotton seed meal
- South – 6.6 – Spread a pint of cotton seed meal
- At Pond Gate Daylily bed – 6.0 – Spread a cup of pelletized lime