This was Piper’s third time and Olivia’s first time at the farm. Piper is 6 and Olivia is 4 years old. We pulled a full 6′ x 12′ U-Haul trailer with Mary’s art, blank canvases, paper, and 5 lbs. of carrots to feed the horses and mules.
We played with the girls a lot and hence, did not get any large jobs done. It was very hot days after mid-70’s mornings and late evenings. The humidity ranged from about 60% in midday to 75% in the mornings. Hot, sticky days with thunderstorms always in the area and somedays raining hard.
Robbie and subs made progress in the house and it is very close. It passed the final for plumbing and fuel but failed twice for electrical. Signed the contract and made the initial payment to Mike Caldwell of SpringHill Landscaping for the side and back patios. The patios are expected to be complete by 9/14/2018.
To Do:
- Move hydrangea plant at the kitchen door in preparation for the patio by Mike Chadwell. Finally planted it in the SE corner of the front yard where it struggled and was coming back in April 2019.
- After the next bloom move azalea rootings to the front corner
- Mow weeds along the pond ditch and spray with 2-4-D and Glyphosate
- Buy pole to replace the rotten one in the barn
- Burn pile in Driskell field
- Search for cypress log to support oak tree
- Find 4 lug wheels for disc