August 21, 2018

Gardening Homestead Maintenance

This was the trip for the gutter installation and to take the plants from the yard in Houston. We stayed in the “new” house for the first time.

The Gutter Guy arrived on time with the wrong shade of gray. Robbie and subs took care of a lot of punch list items by 8/23 but the blinds are still not re-installed. We placed the rugs in the living room and dining room. Moved the sofa around in the LR and settled on it facing the windows.

  1. Checked pecan trees for Carpenter Ants and only found them at two in the orchard. Killed them with Bifentrin.
  2. Fed Knock Out Roses and others with 13-13-13 as they look sickly and advice is they need extra nutrients as they are heavy producers blooming all summer.
  3. Installed SimpliSafe signs in the yard and stickers on the windows and doors.
  4. Threw limbs into Ted’s piles at trees and over the fence. Need to haul away next trip.