2nd Bulk Tank Daylily Feeding


For 25 gallons

The 3/4″ plastic supply hose in the first set up was replaced with a 1/2″ ID, 15′ long hose to dispense the solution slower for better control and to reach further back into the beds. That was a good change as it worked out as planned. The last time with the 3/4″ tube the count was 4-5 for a quart (the amount for a large clump). Now, with the 1/2″ ID tubing the count was 18.

We measured the following into the metal 2+ gallon watering can and added water to dilute it.

  • 1.5 cup (24 Tbls) Miracle Grow (Crystals)
  • 1.5 cup liquid iron – Southern Ag’s Chelate Liquid Iron that is 5% total Iron and 3.4% sulfur
  • 1.5 cup fish emulsion

With all well water uses being off, we twice timed how long it took to fill a 5-gallon bucket from the hose at the connection under the electrical panels. The bucket was filled in a 40 count–a bit faster than 40 seconds.

We put 40 count (5 gallons) in the white plastic tank and then poured in the concentrate from the watering can. Then added the remaining 20 gallons of water; i.e. 4 x 5 gallons or 4 x 40 seconds of full-force run from the hose.

Using a quart jar, we timed how long it took to fill it from the 1/2″ hose with the tank and its 25 gallons in the highest position Fergie could reach. It took an 18 count to fill the quart jar. With that as the guideline, Mary put the concoction on the daylilies.

This was the second “project” today. See this for the other work.