TS Cristobal drops 7″ of rain and blows corn over


Tropical Storm Cristobal came almost due north to go inland in south Louisiana. It was lopsided to the east so many bad lines of storms cruised past us.

Gusting winds began on Saturday and the rain began Sunday around 2 AM. The rains ended Monday afternoon, 6/8/2020. Total rain here was 6.06 inches. Highest wind gust was 35 MPH.

Primarily southerly winds blew down the 2nd and 3rd corn. The second corn with its heavy, ready to pull cobs were leaning far over. Pulled the cobs that were ready and put up 3 quarts plus have the big tub to take to Peggy. Continued to pull small wormy cobs from the leaning stalks until June 17th.

Almost all of the 3rd younger corn stood up.

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