Sowed Lettuce, Spinach, & Broccoli


11/20/2020 – Sowed:

  • Salad Bowl Lettuce
    • Started pre-soak at 5 AM in warm water
    • Sowed in the south half of Row 11 three hours after watering the row. Raked out the damp soil and sprinkled on the damp seeds mixed with grits.
  • Broomsdale Spinach
    • Started pre-soak in the refrigerator Tuesday; i.e. three days ago. Rinsed each day.
    • Sowed in Row 10 (south of the sowing a few weeks ago) and north of the Waltham Broccoli three hours after watering the row. Raked out the damp soil and sprinkled on the damp seeds mixed with grits.
  • Broccoli
    • Started pre-soak at 5 AM in warm water.
    • Sowed in . Sowed in the south 10′ of Row 5B three hours after watering the row. Raked out the damp soil and sprinkled on the damp seeds mixed with grits.

The soil is very dry except where it has been daily watered and the rows flooded. The last rain was Oct. 28.

This method of planting in the very damp soil was cited by Pam Dawling to improve germination. I also hope it minimizes the amount of watering needed to reduce the crusting problem before the new seedlings try pushing through.