Planted 4 Oleanders on the north side of the pond

NOTE – Several of these plants were frozen in the three low-20° cold spells during the first months of 2021. The ones that may have lived were badly damaged. All four were removed and azaleas for the backyard row were planted.

4/28/2020 – Planted four 3-gallon Oleanders, bought at Ted & Nancy’s Vegetable Stand, on the north side of the pond. Two in the NW corner and two in the NE corner. In each corner, there is a “White” and a ‘Petite Pink”. They are both labeled as “Adelfa arborea/estandar”.

Several hours later, watered them with a weak fish emulsion solution from the white plastic tank on the Gator. Put maybe a pint of fish emulsion in the water can, filled it with water, and put it in the tank. Fill the tank with about 20 gallons and put about 5 gallons on each Oleander in the earthen rings.