Lime for Tomato BER and Tomatillos


6/2/2020 – Although the tomatoes have just set and are green, we are seeing more blossom end rot and do not want to wait and see if it stops. Based on various advice–such as below–too acidic soil inhibits calcium uptake and that leads to BER.

Tested the pH with the hand meter and found it ranging from 5.8 to 6.6 with many at 6.2. Per IFAS here: “While peppers are not too particular about soils, they do best in those with a pH around 6.5.”

Have a half bag of Pennington Fast Acting Lime left from sweetening Mary’s Yard Garden so sprinkled a handful around each tomato plant on the hay mulch then watered it in … hopefully. The idea is to raise the pH a little and add calcium with a finely ground lime.

The tomatoes were dry so the water will help anyway.

Also sprinkled the same amount around the tomatillos and watered it in.

Note this is after adding the gypsum mixed in water to increase the calcium.

Lime for tomatoes is almost a given in most garden soil. Soils that are even slightly too acidic won’t produce good quality tomatoes and will bind calcium and magnesium into the soil where plants cannot access it. Lime changes the soil pH to make those nutrients accessible to tomatoes, preventing blossom end rot and premature tomato drop. Lime for tomatoes is a good idea.